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reef is

"reef is"的翻译和解释


  • Note : the great barrier reef is now one of australias most valuable tourism resources . the economic value of our waters is being
  • The great barrier reef is the world ' s largest living reef formation stretching 2 , 000 km north to south along australia ' s northeast coast
  • Coral formations have known as fringing reefs are located close to shore , separated from land only by shallow water
  • The great barrier reef is the world ' s largest living reef formation stretching 2 , 000 km north to south along australia ' s northeast coast
  • Bio - diversity and abundance of commercial fishes found around the artificial reefs are much higher than those observed in nearby natural rocky shore areas
  • The dramatic details of irwin ' s death monday as he was shooting a program on the great barrier reef were disclosed by john stainton his manager and close friend
  • Rising off northeastern australia , the great barrier reef is actually a series of smaller reefs ? more than 2 , 800 coral reefs . reefs form under water and can be made of coral , sand , or rock
    大堡礁位于澳大利亚的东北边,它实际上是由一系列的珊瑚礁组成的,大概由2 , 800多个珊瑚礁组成。
  • Tobago ' s pristine beaches and reefs are beginning to pay off . they have been discovered by international travelers who ' ve had enough of the caribbean ' s more developed islands
  • Artificial reefs are recognised world - wide for their ability to encourage growth and development of a great number and variety of marine organisms , which in turn provide food , shelter and protection for fish
  • Reefs are well developed in western hubei and eastern chongqing . through sedulous research , the whole acquaintance on types of reef builders , types of reef carbonatite , development and evolution of reef organisms , division of reef facies , distributing regularities of reefs and diagenesis has been concluded . according to the comprehensive studies , the following results and conclusions have been obtained
    通过对鄂西渝东区上二叠统长兴组生物礁造礁生物、沉积相、成岩作用的研究,认清了礁体的主要造礁生物类型、主要岩石类型、生长演化、相带划分、分布规律以及成岩作用,可以得出以下结论和认识: 1生物礁主要分布于晚二叠世碳酸盐台地内部和台地边缘,可分为三种类型。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
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